Hey! I'm Matt Czencz

Pronunciation: Senz

A full stack engineer, passionate developer, and computer geek based in Colorado.
My goal is to engineer phenomenal user experiences.

Welcome to Colorado sign

About Me

A passionate engineer based in Colorado, USA

Ever since I was in high school, I have had an obsession with creating unique and next-generation experiences for others. As an award winning frontend developer, I have made it my career's mission to develop responsive, accessible, and memorable products for whoever I get the pleasure to work with. I love finding areas to optimize things or make a process simpler. I'm a team player, translator for the non-techies, and motivated worker.


Developing user experiences that help you succeed

In Progress

Coffee App

Coffee App is an application that I built using React Native. The concept behind this is to provide a coffee shop with a native application, so users can explore their offerings. Features include filtering, adding coffee's to their favorites and remove them, nested navigators, and more.

React Native



Leveraging the power of Next.js 14, Prisma, and PostgreSQL, I built a robust and scalable platform that seamlessly manages tasks. The app's sleek and intuitive user interface is powered by Radix UI, providing a seamless user experience. This project showcases my proficiency in full-stack development, from designing interactive interfaces to implementing efficient backend solutions. Check out this project in my portfolio to witness firsthand how I bring innovation and functionality together in the digital realm.




Radix UI

Clearchoice Patient Portal

The Clearchoice Patient Portal is a web-app at it's core. This is a platform where patients can view their upcoming dental appointments, surgeries, and find general info. With the assistance of Next.js, I helped build most of the components, the entire messaging center where patients can talk with their doctors, and much more. Unfortunately, the portal is not publically available for anyone to see, however please hover over the image to take a peak at some of my work!


React Native



Ricoh Document Scanners

Ricoh Document Scanners (formerly Fujitsu Scanners) was one of the biggest clients I have had the privilege to work with. Recently we added a full e-commerce flow throughout their entire site, so users could purchase products directly from them. This includes account creation and authorization, order and payment handling, address verification, and much more.



C# .Net


El Monterey

Who doesn't love burritos, chimichangas, and tacos? This project was solely about breathing new life and building them a new, fun and modern website that held their family values. My part in this project included creating complex animations, various texture effects, and keeping their company message sprinkled throughout this delicious site.






Want to get in touch? Find me below!

This site was built by Matt Czencz with Next.js! View the code here